Thursday, May 2, 2013

Bundling products for sale

There have been many times I have gone to the grocery store and had a strict limit on how much money I was going to spend. But the second I walk through those sliding glass doors, its a whole new ball game. I am a victim of any deal that arises. For instance last week I went to Market Basket and wanted to grab some things for dinner, when I came along the rice and pasta sides I was looking for I began searching for the right flavor. Although I only needed two packets I ended up purchasing five. The reason is the deal was five packets for $5. There are so many deals like this throughout the store and I have to constantly remind myself to stay away from these deals because I end up with a surplus of food in my cabinet.

Why do you think so many consumers such as myself fall into the trap of bundling?

Response to Colin Raaberg's Post on T-Mobile

Companies that deceive customers risk getting found out which means they may have to pay back their customers, lose customers, and damage their public image. Why then do companies risk it?

Unfortunately I am a T-Mobile customer who owns a phone with an annual contract which sucks. I believe companies like this do this as part of there strategy to lure in customers. I know when I bought my phone I had to sign an annual contract which is why I have yet to switch to an iPhone.
When companies use false advertising in order to sell a product it really affects how consumers look at that company and value them as a seller. Companies risk this because they want to keep a customer base and stay competitive in the market.

Would a company such as Apple or Verizon perform a tactic such as T-Mobile?

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Social Media and Marketing

Social Media has been taking over in recent years, and it seems like almost every day some new social media website or application is coming out. Facebook and Twitter are the two most prominant social media feeds but others include instagram and vine. Even games like scrabble have an app where you can chat with your friend(s) while you play. Almost everyone today uses Facebook for something whether it be connecting with old friends or trying to meet new people in your current area. Another form of social media is YouTube. This website is the largest video website there is to date and is constantly being used around the globe. Social Media has come to a point where most times I hear of breaking news its from Facebook.

How often do you use social media in your day-to-day life?